Value-based behavior is a key factor of our social contribution. By acting responsibly and sustainably, we set standards and thus strengthen the trust that the professional community places in us. This Code of Conduct sets out our principles and the expectations we have of the AVOLA governing bodies, and the entire AVOLA community.
Its individual points are our guiding principles and confirm us in our decisions. It is more than simply complying with laws and regulations. The guiding principles define how we act, and we consistently align our actions and decisions to them. In this way, we contribute to the success of AVOLA and acknowledge our part in it.
Take personal responsibility for helping to make the Code of Conduct a lived standard throughout AVOLA. Talk to your colleagues about our purpose, mission, and values, and speak up if you see they are not being observed. The AVOLA governing bodies are there to offer you advice. Together we will care actively for AVOLA and act responsibly and sustainably.
I thank you sincerely for your continuous support.
Marcel J. Scacchi
Executive Board Member
General Principles
- This Code of Conduct applies to all those who are part of the AVOLA community, in every position or function within AVOLA, including the AVOLA Board of Directors and AVOLA Leadership Team Members.
- We aim to meet the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and professionalism. To this end, the Code of Conduct serves (1) to emphasize the AVOLA commitment to ethical conduct and compliance with the law; (2) to set forth basic standards of ethical and legal behavior; (3) to provide reporting mechanisms for known or suspected ethical or legal violations; and (4) to help prevent and detect wrongdoing.
- This Code of Conduct cannot comprehensively anticipate every instance in the varied activity of AVOLA, in which questions of ethics and integrity may arise. If a guideline cannot be found in the Code of Conduct, one should be guided by their common moral principles.
- Where there is uncertainty or a need for further assistance, the persons listed under “o” of this Code of Conduct may be contacted.
- This Code of Conduct supplements other, more specific AVOLA policies and regulations; it does not replace them. In order to meet the demands of new developments and challenges, the AVOLA Board of Directors may revise these regulations from time to time.
Ethical Standards
- Acting on behalf of and within AVOLA: We act on behalf of AVOLA with diligence and professionalism, complying with the highest standards of ethics and integrity. This includes, but is not limited to, being respectful of one another’s rights and forthright in all engagements with members of the AVOLA community as well as third parties. We should not place our personal interests above the best interests of AVOLA. We respect the personal dignity, privacy, and rights of each individual. We believe diversity enriches our workplace. We work together without regard to ethnic origin, culture, religion, age, disability, skin color, gender, sexual identity and orientation, or beliefs.
- Compliance with laws and regulations: Obeying the law is the foundation on which AVOLA’s ethical standards are built. We comply with the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which AVOLA operates and ensure the implementation of all AVOLA’s guidelines, processes, and controls.
- Conflict of interest: All decisions and actions of the AVOLA community are to be made in the best interests of AVOLA and the public good. A conflict of interest exists when a party’s direct or indirect personal interests are inconsistent with or interfere with the best interests of AVOLA. AVOLA’s Conflict of Interest Policy sets forth in detail the standards and procedures to be followed when dealing with situations that may present a conflict of interest. AVOLA Representatives who are required to sign an AVOLA Conflict of Interest Statement will be notified individually.
- Protection and proper use of AVOLA assets: Proprietary information (e.g., intellectual property rights such as trademarks and patents, personal data) and other assets (e.g., facilities and equipment) that we have access to in the course of engaging with or acting for AVOLA, may not be used for personal benefit. We may not use AVOLA proprietary information, other assets or our position within AVOLA for improper personal gain and/or non-AVOLA activities.
- Fair dealing: We act on the AVOLA’s behalf and, regardless of whether we are dealing with colleagues within AVOLA or third parties, we are required to act honestly, in good faith, and with professionalism. We may not take unfair advantage of another person through harassment, manipulation, abuse of privileged information, misinterpretation of material facts, or other such unfair practice.
- Confidentiality: We must maintain the confidentiality of confidential information entrusted to us, except when disclosure is authorized by an appropriate officer of AVOLA or required by law. Confidential information includes all information marked ‘confidential’ non-public information or which, due to its character and nature, may reasonably be assumed to be confidential. Such obligation to preserve confidential information continues even after the term of office or employment with AVOLA. The AVOLA Confidentiality Agreement sets forth the standards and procedures in respect of confidentiality in more detail. AVOLA Representatives who are required to sign an AVOLA Confidentiality Agreement will be notified individually.
- Filings and public disclosures: All of whom are involved in the preparation of financial and other reports and documents to be filed with or submitted to any authority by AVOLA are required to file these accurately, in full and in a timely manner. The same standards apply to other public communications made by AVOLA.
- Financial integrity: All of whom are involved, in particular those directly involved in financial matters shall ensure that timely, accurate and complete financial information is provided to the appropriate persons and bodies. Effective controls shall be maintained over financial reporting to ensure a complete and accurate record of our financial transactions.
Implementation and Procedure
- Responsibilities: Up to three selected members of the board(s) of the Industrial Partner(s) of AVOLA shall be responsible for ethical matters and the implementation of this Code of Conduct. It shall ensure that risks and issues, together with appropriate recommendations, are reported to the AVOLA Board of Directors. AVOLA Headquarters is responsible for developing and maintaining the Code of Conduct, reviewing reports on compliance, and providing support and guidance.
- Accountability and assistance: We are personally accountable for adhering to this Code of Conduct as well as to all AVOLA policies, guidelines, and applicable laws. Where there is uncertainty or any need of further assistance, the President of the Board of AVOLA is to be contacted.
- Breaches: Breaches of this Code of Conduct as well as of all AVOLA policies, guidelines, and applicable laws will result in remedial, corrective, or disciplinary actions. Additionally, AVOLA may notify the relevant authorities. We all are obliged to report actual or suspected misconduct to the selected members of the board(s) of the Industrial Partner(s). AVOLA guarantees non-retaliation and confidentiality, to the extent legally possible, for good-faith reports of such breaches as well as for assisting or providing information during an investigation.